of TECHNOLOGY2022-09-08T08:58:36+07:00DR. Candra Kusumacandra14780@yahoo.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>JOURNAL TECHNOLOGY (JOTEC</strong>) is a Scientific Journal that was built to provide a means for academics and researchers to publish scientific works to a wide audience. The scope of this journal includes: Information Engineering, information management, information systems, and others.</p> OF UTILIZING “SHIFA PROGRAM” (PROMOTIONAL MEDIA .) IT-BASED HEALTH IS SMS BROADCAST ON COMPLIANCE DIET) IN TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS IN DUSTIRA HOSPITAL2022-09-08T08:55:53+07:00Muhamad Aliali@gmail.comCandra Kusuma<p>The Diabetes mellitus is one of degenerative disease are getting increase the amount of it</p> <p>recently. Diet planning properly on diabetes mellitus clients is one of keywords to control and manage the blood sugar. Research used quasi-experimental with nonequivalence control group design. The populations in this research were as any as 56 respondents. Data collecting used purposive sampling. Data collecting was analyzed by using univariate with percentage and bivariate with parametric test. Based on parametric test was obtained p value 0.009 < 0.05 means that there are effects of syifa program toward diet compliance on diabetes mellitus clients.</p>2022-09-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL of TECHNOLOGY Mental Health Posyandu Training on Cadre Knowledge and Skill Levels in Bongkot Village2022-09-08T08:57:09+07:00Husnicandra14780@yahoo.comMuhamad<p>The mental health post is an integrated service center for patients with mental disorders. The continuity of the posyandu cannot be separated from the role of cadres, therefore the knowledge and skills of cadres are important in order to improve the quality of posyandu services. Public awareness of the importance of preventing patients who experience recurrence can encourage cadres to routinely carry out posyandu activities, besides that they also teach skills to ODGJ patients to increase their productivity. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of knowledge and skills of cadres in providing IT-based mental health posyandu services in Bongkot Village. This study uses a pre-post test design, sampling using purposive sampling technique, samples taken from cadres who meet the inclusion criteria, measuring instruments using cadres' knowledge level instruments and checklists to measure cadres' skill levels. The test used using Wilcoxon statistics. The results of the study showed that there was a change in the level of knowledge of the cadres, a significant value obtained was 0.001 less than p < 0.05. While the skills of cadres after receiving training obtained a significance value of 0.003 there is a significant increase in skills before and after training. This training can increase the knowledge of cadres regarding the benefits of using IT-based posyandu applications. In addition, cadres are trained to directly practice operating the posyandu application system so that the process of recording, reporting and monitoring patient progress becomes easier and more effective.</p>2022-09-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL of TECHNOLOGY THE DIGITALIZATION OF THE BPJS PROGRAM TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF SERVICES IN FACING THE ERA OF THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 4.02022-09-08T08:55:12+07:00Muhammad Rico Anshoririko@gmail.comMuhamad<p>Background: Digitalization of the BPJS Service System is getting more and more perfect, proven that in addition to being easy and practical, BPJS services at puskesmas or hospitals have also started using online services that are integrated between Advanced Referral Health Facilities (FKRTL) such as hospitals. Purpose: To determine the use of the digitalization of the BPJS program to improve service quality in the face of the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0. Methods: This study used a qualitative descriptive approach and was conducted at the UPTD Puskesmas I of the North Denpasar District Health Office with the sample of patients using JKN services. The technique of collecting data by interview and data analysis by triangulation. Result: The effectiveness of services and information provided to the public through the Mobile JKN application is quite effective, this has been expressed by many people who use the Mobile JKN application, but there are still many people who do not understand how to use the application . Conclusion: The use of digitalization of the BPJS Health program through the Mobile JKN application has been effective because it has met all the factors for measuring the effectiveness of services and information obtained.</p>2022-09-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL of TECHNOLOGY OPTIMIZATION OF NURSING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM BASED ON THE FISHING APPLICATION (STUNTING MONITORING INFORMATION SYSTEM) TO INCREASE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CHILD NUTRITIONAL HEALTH IN PRIMARY HEALTH SERVICES2022-09-08T08:56:30+07:00Muhamamd Yusufyusuf@gmail.comCandra Kusuma<p>Introduction: Stunting is a problem that occurs in all countries, including Indonesia. Indonesia is ranked 3rd, with the highest prevalence in the Southeast Asia Region of 37%. Where DI Yogyakarta Province occupies the first position with a percentage of 25.3%. Meanwhile, Banten Province has a percentage of 6.8% with the highest prevalence in Pandeglang Regency at 11.5% and Serang City at 10.7%. Stunting is caused by a lack of nutritional intake for a long time. As a result of providing food that is not in accordance with nutritional needs. Stunting, can be measured based on the length or weight of the body, age, and sex of the child. In the current era of the COVID-19 pandemic, appropriate digitalization technology is needed that can help in solving the stunting problem in Indonesia. So, we will create an application called SI PANCING (Stunting Monitoring Information System). Objective: To determine the optimization of the performance of the nursing management information system based on the SI PANCING application (Stunting Monitoring Information System) to increase the effectiveness of the nutritional health status of children in primary health services. Research method: Mix (Mix method), to obtain qualitative and quantitative data on the research to be carried out. Research results: This application is useful for optimizing the performance of the nursing management information system based on the SI PANCING application (Stunting Monitoring Information System) to increase the effectiveness of the nutritional health status of children in primary health services. This application serves to provide various kinds of information such as medical history, general information on stunting health, records of health developments, monitoring of stunting data, and general information on health services. This application, can be downloaded on Playstore or Appstore for free. This application can connect parents (Family), cadres and health services, so that they can continue to monitor the health condition of children. There is also an online health consultation service which is expected to help parents (families), cadres and health services to care for, control and assist children with stunting. So, Indonesia is free from stunting</p>2022-09-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL of TECHNOLOGY TO IMPROVE HEALTH SERVICES (BPJS) DURING THE IT-BASED PANDEMIC2022-09-08T08:58:36+07:00Syarif Yusirwan<p>This pandemic requires both the government and the community to implement work <br />patterns new. One of them is health services for the people, namely BPJS. This highly <br />mandatory program makes the work and administration system definitely changed during <br />the pandemic. One of the programs that must be changed is how to create security and <br />comfort in carrying out administrative activities to the community in order to prevent the <br />spread of COVID-19 from spreading. This service is effective and based on Government <br />Regulation no. 20 of 2020 concerning large-scale social restrictions in the context of accelerating the handling of COVID-19. In its implementation there will certainly be challenges and obstacles that occur. These problems must be resolved immediately in <br />order to create an effective and efficient service. The conclusion of this paper is to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the program's performance. It is hoped that the use of online applications and programs for the community in addition to reducing the risk of transmission, and avoiding crowds, can also directly support the acceleration of information and technology in this digital era.</p>2022-09-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL of TECHNOLOGY