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Background Behind : PTSD ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorders ) is a traumatic event which can bring up sorrow the deep that can happen to teen and parents, but more prone to occur in children due to the lack of coping mechanisms in them. PTSD experienced by children requires us to provide psychological services through play therapy , which expected to deliver real impact towards reducing symptoms PTSD Which experienced by children victim disaster. Objective : To determine the influence of play therapy in children who experience PTSD after a disaster fire in Alalak South. Method Study : This is a quantitative research with pre-design experimental with approach one group pretest and posttest . Population study is children victim fire in RT 04 and RT 05, South Alalak Village, Banjarmasin. Samples were taken using Exhaustive sampling technique , namely 45 children aged 3-12 years. Data analysis using analysis test different 2 means dependent (paired sample t-test) with α = 0.05. Results : research results from 45 PTSD score respondents before play therapy with mean of 37.82 and the PTSD symptom score after play therapy with a mean of 25.69. The results analysis of the difference test of 2 dependent means (paired sample t-test) shows p value = 0.000 < α (0.05) with correlation very influential strong (0.816). Conclusion: There is play influence therapy towards reducing symptoms PTSD on child victim post disaster fire in Ward Alalak South Banjarmasin.
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