Main Article Content
Background: Good knowledge can increase the quality of life of hypertension
sufferers by doing control with health promotion. Objective: This study was
conducted to determine the influence of health promotion with leaflet media on
increasing knowledge of hypertension prevention in the elderly. Research
Method: This study used the Quasi Experiment method with the Nonequivalent
Control Group Design Pretest-posttest. The sample used a descriptive formula.
Dahlan's categorical data of 97 elderly aged 46-65 were divided into intervention
and control groups. Data collection using questionnaires. Results: Univariate
results showed that most respondents were categorized as early elderly (46-55
years) at 63.9%, type sex women at 68%, and basic education at 37.1%. The results
of the bivariate test using non -non-parametric with statistical tests using MannWhitney U showed a value of Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05 means a
difference in knowledge of the intervention group before and after health promotion
and the Wilcoxon Test with a value of Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05, which
means There is an influence difference in knowledge of the intervention group and
the control group after health promotion. Conclusion: Health workers are expected
to be able to provide health education for older people using appropriate media.
Article Details
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