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Theresia Jamini


One of the triggers of cholelithiasis is an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle must be implemented early to avoid cholelithiasis. This community service aims to provide an understanding of the importance of early prevention of cholelithiasis through healthy lifestyle education. The community service method is through education, targeting the Pekauman community, which totals 31 people. Education includes understanding cholelithiasis, causes and risk factors, signs and symptoms, types of cholelithiasis, the process of disease occurrence, and how to prevent cholelithiasis early. The education method is carried out through lectures, discussions, and demonstrations. Assessment of understanding is carried out through written tests before and after education. The evaluation results showed an increase in the average understanding score from 68.4 to 83.2 (score range 10-100). The process evaluation showed the activeness of education participants from the beginning to the end of the activity. This community service concluded that education can improve understanding of early prevention of gallstone disease. It is recommended that education on the prevention of cholelithiasis be carried out early in elementary and secondary schools.

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How to Cite
Jamini, T. (2025). EARLY PREVENTION EDUCATION ON THE RISK OF CHOLELITHIASIS DISEASE IN THE PEKAUMAN BANJARMASIN COMMUNITY . JOURNAL of HEALTH, 4(1), 93–98. Retrieved from https://banuainstitute.org/JOHE/article/view/139


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