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Background: Muscle pain included in Musculoskeletal Disorders is a common condition often caused by prolonged sitting duration and incorrect sitting posture. Students are synonymous with having various activities during lectures that involve the use of certain muscles, especially nursing students who have a busy lecture schedule. Sitting is one of the good positions in carrying out activities such as learning, especially when attending lectures. Objective: To analyze the Nordic Body Map of Sitting Position and Duration among Nursing Students at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. Method: Using a quantitative research method that is observational analytical with a cross-sectional approach with 136 respondents. The primary data collection technique was obtained from the results of filling out the questionnaire and presented in the form of a table with univariate analysis to obtain an overview of the distribution, frequency, and percentage of each variable studied. Results: The results of this study show that the characteristics of the respondents are almost 20 years old, female, normal BMI, and the class of 2022. Most sitting positions are ergonomic positions with a moderate duration of time, as well as the location and level of muscle pain complaints in the waist, back, and upper neck.
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