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Data from the 2021 Banjarmasin City Health Profile, the prevalence of Hypertension in Banjarmasin was 28.49% in 2020, increasing to 35.39% in 2021, and the majority of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Banjarmasin also rose from 8.09% to 9.96%. The prevalence of NCDs, which contribute to death, requires the government to create a healthy society by reducing risk factors. Posbindu PTM is a community-based health effort that is promotive and preventive in the context of early detection and monitoring of major NCD risk factors, carried out in an integrated, routine, and periodic manner. Pekauman Community Health Center is a community health center with the broadest working area coverage and is densely populated unevenly. The long-distance traveled and only reached by water transportation means that strengthening the role of PTM Posbindu Cadres still needs to be optimized. The aim of implementing PkM is to increase cadres' knowledge about PTM in DM and Hypertension and improve cadres' skills in screening for PTM risk factors for communities on the river coast in Banjarmasin. The method used in this activity is empowerment by training and assisting cadres in carrying out health examination activities and counseling on PTM, especially Hypertension, and DM.
The results showed an increase in knowledge before and after training of 21.39 points with p: 0.00 and an increase in skills of 13.39 points with p: 0.00. Most cadres stated they had more confidence and enthusiasm to carry out their duties. During the health check, 46 residents at Posbindu Seberang Sungai Mantuil and 44 at Posbindu Basirih Selatan participated in activities carried out by cadres. The examination results were followed up with health and sports education with cadres and residents. It is recommended that Posbindu PTM be monitored after PPM activities by the Mantuil community health center, and similar PkM activities can be implemented at other Posbindu PTM in Banjarmasin City.
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