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Background: Hospitals must be able to provide the best health services for their patients and the general public. Nursing staff are often faced with diverse and complex tasks that must be completed on target and on time. Nurses also have to deal with patients' families, who are often overly demanding for better care. Nurses also become emotionally unstable in carrying out their duties as humans, and their work morale decreases. Bad service provided by nurses will have an impact on patient safety. A high nurse workload will result in nurses experiencing fatigue, which causes a decrease in job satisfaction. Objective: To determine the relationship between work fatigue and job satisfaction in nurses at Dr. R Soeharsono Tk III Hospital Banjarmasin. Methods: Quantitative type of research with a case study design. The research subjects were hospital management and staff. Data collection was carried out using interview and observation techniques. Data analysis was carried out descriptively and quantitatively. Results: The cross-tabulation between work fatigue and job satisfaction of nurses shows that the majority experience work fatigue in the tired category, with work satisfaction in the satisfactory category of 95%. The Chi-square test results for both variables obtained a p-value of 0.001 < 0.05. The conclusion: There is a significant relationship between work fatigue and job satisfaction among nurses at Dr. R Soeharsono Tk III Hospital Banjarmasin.
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