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Background: Stress is often experienced by humans and can occur in various fields, such as education, development, and work. Workplace stress is now a worldwide problem affecting all jobs and employees in developing and developed countries. According to WHO figures, around 450 million people worldwide struggle with mental and behavioral illnesses. The rotating work system (shifts) results in work stress because the body has to try to adapt to the work shift system in a relatively short time. Work stress can have a significant effect on employee performance. Nurses must be on standby 24 hours a day to provide services to patients in hospitals, so their working hours consist of three shifts. Objective: To determine the relationship between work shifts and stress among nurses at Dr. R. Soeharsono Tk III Hospital Banjarmasin. Methods: This research is a quantitative observational study with a cross-sectional design. The population is all nurses at Dr. R. Soeharsono Tk III Hospital Banjarmasin, with a sample using a portion of the entire population that will be studied and considered representative. The sampling technique is random sampling. This research was carried out at Dr. R. Soeharsono Tk III Hospital Banjarmasin on February 1–8, 2024. Results: Chi-Square test results show There is a relationship between work shifts and stress levels in nurses at Dr. R. Soeharsono Tk III Hospital Banjarmasin with P-value = 0.004 < 0.05. The conclusion: There is a significant relationship between work shifts and work stress in Dr. R. Soeharsono Tk III Hospital Banjarmasin nurses.
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