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Background: Hospitals must be able to provide the best health services for their patients and the general public. A competitive work environment usually makes the workforce try to take care of their situation and ignore stress factors, but these stressors affect their work and life. Work stress on nurses can affect the quality of service in hospitals. A number of factors, such as poor working conditions and poor interpersonal relationships with leaders, colleagues, or subordinates, may cause stress. Lack of social support from colleagues and poor interpersonal relationships can cause stress. Objective: This research aims to determine the relationship between interpersonal relationships and work stress among nurses at Hospital X in Banjarmasin. Methods: This type of research is observational with a cross-sectional design. The research sample was 97 people. The independent variable is interpersonal relationships, and the dependent variable is nurse work stress. Results: The results of the study show a relationship between interpersonal relationships (p=0.000) and work stress in nurses at Hospital X. The conclusion is that there is a relationship between interpersonal relationships and work stress. The suggestions are relaxation, managing anger and time well, providing counseling services, redesigning work to suit one's abilities, redesigning the work environment, and creating a healthy social environment to create a comfortable situation.
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