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Nilam Puspitasari
Nur Aini
Ahmad Fariz Dian Nugraha


Background: Hospitals are a form of health facility for the community. The success of a hospital in carrying out its function of providing health services to the community is marked by an increase in the quality of hospital services. Nurses, as the providers of health services to the community, are required to serve patients quickly and accurately. A nurse's alertness at all times in handling patients and the work situation, work shifts, and existing workload make nurses experience psychological distress. Workloads that increase beyond a person's capacity will result in a decrease in work-life balance. Work-life balance is a concept that supports nurses' efforts to divide their time and energy between work and other important aspects of their lives. Objective: This study aims to analyze the relationship between workload and work-life balance among emergency room nurses at Dr. R Soeharsono TK III Hospital Banjarmasin. Methods: This type of quantitative research with a cross-sectional design. The research subjects were emergency room nurses at Dr. R Soeharsono TK III Hospital Banjarmasin. Data collection was carried out using interview and observation techniques. Data analysis was carried out using the Spearman Correlation test. Results: 18 people had a moderate workload of 64.3%, 15 people had a moderate Work-Life Balance of 53.6%, and the relationship between workload and Work-Life Balance had a Spearman correlation coefficient of – 0.633. The conclusion: The higher the workload, the lower the Work-Life Balance that the emergency room nurses at Dr. R Soeharsono TK III Hospital Banjarmasin.

Rincian Artikel

Cara Mengutip
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